Friday, 20 February 2009

That Picture Of Rihanna - Continued.

Such a hot topic this one. I feel the need to hurl further spanners with regard to a lot of the days commentary.

How is it that it seems to be perfectly acceptable for photographers to follow Rihanna (and other female celebrities) around beaches and events to photograph, often in secret, different situations in an attempt to capture a revealing image. Like a bikini slip or apicture from above or some see through clothing.

But one picture, just one, of a genuine, real world occurence in a popular celebrities life and all the bleating starts about how she shouldbe left alone. About how its private, not right and how would you feel if it was your mother/sister/daughter. I re-direct you back to the previous paragraph.

Reality Check

If Rihanna was that bothered then the big story would be the pending law suit.

All that aside the amazing little 19 year old has a huge world wide fan base of people that care and want to know.

As previously stated; if it really bothers you that much, Don't Look At It.

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