Wednesday 27 October 2021

Highly Effective Marketing Videos; This is the Secret Ingredient!

Effective marketing videos aren't as common as most people probably think. How many times have you seen an online video that has motivated you to buy something? Chances are, you can count those experiences with two hands.

While the internet doesn't have a shortage of interesting, quirky or memorable videos, these qualities, in and of themselves, don't necessarily mean that you would buy a product that these videos talk about.

Often times, the videos that you personally enjoy really don't have any sort of commercial agenda. They are not pushing anything. They are not promoting anything. They don't want you to do any kind of action that puts dollars in the bank account of the people behind these videos. They are just for fun.

And this is the reason why a lot of people are confused about video marketing. A lot of video marketers out there are under the impression that as long as their video gets shared and a lot of people talk about their video or find their video cute, memorable and interesting, that somehow, some way, this would lead to dollars appearing in their bank account.

I'm sorry to be the one to break this to you, but that kind of thinking is magical thinking. You might as well start imagining rainbow-colored unicorns raining down from the sky, each grabbing a pot of gold with their horse teeth.

You have to think clearly about effective video marketing.

There are really no two ways about it. Because it's too easy for you to crank out one video after another and have very little to show for it.

In fact, if you run a company, it's very easy for you to devote thousands upon thousands of dollars on video marketing, only to see your brand continue to struggle. This is due to the fact that people really have their wires crossed when it comes to videos' effectiveness.

Here's a short list of people's misconceptions regarding "effective videos."

Effective marketing videos are: cute, memorable, quirky, funny, interesting, weird, awesome, fascinating, earth-shattering, insightful.

What's missing? It should be obvious. Highly effective videos bring home the bacon.

Even if the video looks amateurish, even if it looks like it was shot and edited by somebody who is eight years old, at the end of the day, effective videos bring home the bacon. Dollars and cents rule the day.

Sadly, a lot of the online marketing convesations regarding video marketing lose sight of this fact. They focus on how many likes it had on Facebook. They get all excited about how many times the video was retweeted or whether a celebrity mentioned the video.

It did not occur to them that a video that is shared throughout all four corners of the globe, but doesn't generate one cent of revenue is a money loser. That's the bottom line. It really has to go back to conversions.

The secret to video marketing is conversion.

The video has to lead to conversion directly, or must be part of an online supplemental content that eventually makes conversion possible.

On top of this, great marketing videos also establish solid brands. When somebody's watching a great marketing video, they know where that video came from. They know that when they go to that source, there's a lot more where that video came from.

They also have the expectation that when that source produces video after video, they can expect a certain level of quality. They can expect a certain range of benefits. That's how powerful brand-based videos are.

But as insightful as this discussion may be, and as important as conversions and branding are, if you really want to get down to the nuts and bolts of highly effective marketing videos, you have to get to the secret ingredient.

This secret ingredient separates brand videos that don't really go anywhere and brand-building videos that develop solid brands. This secret ingredient also explains the difference between marketing videos that explain a lot of information and are great resources but make very little money, and videos that are able to generate a profit.

What is the Secret Ingredient? PRESENCE

Highly effective marketing videos pack a lot of presence. You can tell that this brand stands for something. You can tell that the product being endorsed, explained, outlined and discussed by the spokesperson truly speaks to your needs. This is only possible when the video has presence.

Now, one of the most common misconceptions regarding presence is that only human beings can have presence. In other words, the video has to have a person looking at the camera and connecting with you eyeball to eyeball for presence to ooze out of the video.

Absolutely wrong. Seriously. Even an animated video using talking animals can have presence.

Presence is that human state of mind where you feel that the content that you are engaging with is speaking to you on so many different levels. That is presence.

And unfortunately, a lot of marketing videos, and these are videos that are specifically written, produced, edited and crafted to generate dollars simply overlook presence. They think that as long as they have the "formula," conversions will happen.

Completely wrong.

They think that as long as they mention certain concepts, the money will appear.

Absolutely false.

You have to create videos with presence. Otherwise, you are wasting your time.

What complicates matters is that presence is defined in many different niches.

If your niche involves kid's athletic gear, presence is going to have its own specific form. If your niche involves academic admissions, then presence for your videos is going to be nuanced a little bit differently.

That's what is tricky about this. But it's kind of like looking for the needle in a haystack. But believe me, it's a golden needle. It is worth the search.

This is the secret ingredient that will turn your marketing videos into gold-digging machines. It's definitely worth figuring out the secret ingredient of presence in your particular niche.

Effective marketing videos are not just engaging they are also thoughtful and possess the presence required to take your efforts to the next level

Thursday 7 October 2021

Marketing Video Creation Costs.

Marketing Video Creation Costs.

How Can You Reduce Them Using Different Methods?


Marketing video creation costs can skyrocket if you only focus on the whiteboard style, green screen style or live footage professional type of videos.

A lot of entrepreneurs are under the impression that high-quality professional videos have to be expensive. I really don’t blame them for thinking this way because a lot of the best videos in their niche probably look and sound like they were professionally produced. More Info Here

They have got great background music, their scripts are just nothing short of amazing, they are edited in a very tight, compact, and emotionally powerful way. What’s not to love? Given that level of quality, it’s very easy to assume that you probably would have to spend a pretty penny trying to come up with something similar.

Is There An Alternative?

What if I told you that you don’t have to spend all your budget on high-quality and high-budget videos? You definitely do need to have at least one of those types of video. But for the rest of your video material, you can use the software discussed.

It all boils down to understanding how your video conversions work. In a way, videos are a lot like articles, just in a pictorial form.

video-creation-costs-2.png?resize=798%2C449&ssl=1Image Provided By: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Marketing Video Creation With Videoscribe

Most often the typical blog is made up of 95% informative material and 5% conversion content. The same applies to video. You can get away with only one a highly polished, well-produced, well-scripted video that converts. So that is the video you use to convert your website visitors. However, for the rest of your videos, you can use videoscribe.

Videoscribe is a handy software that you can use to quickly produce a tremendous amount of videos in a short period of time. It makes the otherwise painstaking process of creating high-quality animated videos very easy. You just have to walk through the process. You don’t have to spend money on expensive graphics, you don’t have to spend money on expensive voice-overs if don’t want to.

video-creation-costs-1.png?resize=800%2C533&ssl=1Image From: Image by Pexels from Pixabay

You are going to have to do that for your conversion content video. For everything else; and I am talking about supplemental videos here, they only need to get your website visitors familiar with your brand. As a result this will also open your viewers’ minds regarding the solutions that you bring to the table. The ideal solution you can use to achieve that is videoscribe videos.

So, if you choose to do that, you stand to reduce your video costs by as much as 90%. That’s how you play the game. You don’t stock your website with the very best videos you can produce. That’s just going to drive you to the expensive end of professional video creators.


Mix It Up For Best Results

To the other extreme, you are not going to fill your website with middle-of-the-road or even low-quality videos because that’s just going to destroy the brand you are working to build.

There does need to be a decent level of quality for your informative video content, but this doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to bankrupt yourself or your business. Understanding how this works along with the little bit of automation provided by video software can take you a long way in reducing your video creation costs while converting your visitors.



You can get a Free 7 day trail of videoscribe here:

An alternative and free method is to use ScreenCastomatic



This can be integrated into your marketing video creation in a number of ways.

Starting from the basic powerpoint or Google docs presentation to a fullblown personal video through a webcam that you can edit. A number of successful marketers use this software to great effect and the videos they create range from slides with a voice over to webcam recorded content.

The final option is just to use your mobile phone: the quality of video recording on mobile devices is only increasing, consider TikTok. With a little creative thought and development, anyone can produce something entertaining and informative in an mp.4 format.

video-creation-costs-3.png?resize=800%2C464&ssl=1Image Provided By:Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay

Reducing marketing video creation costs may well be a whole lot easier than most people think. You just need to step out of the box and think outside of it. Producing acceptable quality video content is easily within anyones reach and budget. Neither do you have to line someone elses pocket to achieve it.


Friday 3 September 2021

Video Marketing; How Expensive Are Marketing Videos?

Does video marketing have to cost you a lot of money?

Let’s get one thing clear. One of the main reasons why your competitors probably haven’t jumped into video marketing is because of their fear of cost.

Please understand that the reason why they are not cranking out one marketing video after another probably is not due to their inability to appreciate the power of video marketing.

In fact, most people in the marketing field would agree that video marketing brings a lot of value to the table. This is not the argument. This is not where people disagree.

Instead, people have all sorts of misconceptions regarding the costs of video marketing. They can see the benefits with no problem. What they’re unclear on is whether the costs would justify the benefit.

  1. Most attempts fail the first time.

clapper-2140602_1920.jpg?resize=840%2C840&ssl=1 What really clouds this whole picture is the fact that when you try anything the first time around and you don’t have some sort of blueprint of plan your chances of failure are quite high. This is not just a video marketing thing mind you. This applies across the board.

Maybe you’re trying to ride a bike. Maybe you’re trying to build a house or an addition. Maybe you’re trying to do a painting or you’re trying to sculpt. I am almost guaranteeing that your first few attempts are not going to be all that good.

You probably already know this. Why should video marketing be any different? When people just jump in both feet because they got all excited about the benefits of video marketing, they might end up making rookie mistakes.

How come? They did not have proper guidance and that’s the good news here.

With the proper blueprint or coaching or video marketing consulting, you don’t have to commit those beginner mistakes. Your stuff doesn’t have to look amateurish and basic.

You can come up with something truly professional the first time around. In fact, it’s not uncommon for small businesses to get out of the gate with really high-quality videos that connect powerfully with their target audience members.

Their secret? There is no secret at all. They just read the right resources and allow these resources to guide them in producing one hard-hitting quality video after another. If they can do it, you can do it too.

This really is not an issue of cost but more of information. With the right information, high-quality videos that truly go a long way in building up your brand doesn’t have to cost a lot.

There are many ways to solve the problem.

One of the main reasons why a lot of people have this idea that video marketing has to cost a lot of money is the misconception that they have to produce Hollywood or Madison Avenue level videos.

Absolutely wrong. In fact, in certain niches, audiences respond favorably to very amateurish or very basic videos. You really just have to know your niche.

More specifically, you just have to know how to segment and break up your niche into little sub-markets. Put simply, the better you know your audience the more powerful your video can be and has nothing to do with how polished or smooth it is.

Instead it has everything to do with your video’s ability to communicate with your target audience members on a very human, personal, and emotional level.

There are many tools you can use


Another piece of good news. You can drastically reduce your video productions costs by understanding that there are many different levels of videos. At the top of this hierarchy, of course, are high-quality videos.

These are very personal, these are professionally shot, and these really are your meat and potatoes videos. These are the kind of videos that really champion your brand, but the levels beneath this kind of video are not as quality intensive.

You can use the software to crank out a video for supplemental marketing. You can use software for video that is intended to supplement or support your text content.

Obviously, the relationship with these different video levels goes a long way in reducing your overall cost.

Keep the facts above in mind if you are still on the fence regarding video marketing. It doesn’t have to be expensive. It doesn’t have to cost a lot.

Monday 23 August 2021

 What is a Fop? I looked it up.

a man who is concerned with his clothes and appearance in an affected and excessive way. (although lately looking harrassed or not bothering to care either way....they are allowed you know)

This is an important point.Just because you wear tailored clothes doesn't make you important it actually does make you a bit of a Fop.

Some people asked what does fop mean in English. It's a good question. Here in England we always thought it was to do with gay posh people. Generally it was described as eccentric and foppish behaviour.

The world has moved on though. So the behaviour that was accepted and allowed before is now called something else.

Why do I bring this up. I remember a few years back, an older woman telling a certain politician to tuck his shirt in because he looked scruffy.

Said politician ignored her and continued. I may have done a diservice there, he may have given a bumbling anecdote about (whatever) and excused himself because he needed to be over there.

Isn't that the place where the grass grows greener?

We seem to be left with a group of people who believe they are in charge but have no idea how to actually deal with what is going on in the world.

Being a dictaor. Or professing that everything will be ok just isn't enough anymore.

The world is dying behind us whilst we argue amongst ourselves. If you can't see the irony (you are probably American) or understand the consequences then it's nothing more than a dictatorship.

We are allowed to choose how we live. Human rights says we have them

So are our human right being violated because someone wants to be more important? (we constantly see the evidence)

We don't want to fight with everyone but neither do we want to succumb to what we believe is wrong.

Everyone has the right to be heard and listened to.  

And ir you are wondering what the fop business was about....they are too posh and too well educated to care.

What a bunch of....nakingw nstcu


Monday 16 March 2020

News just in!!!

The world according to Sir Donny.

I went to see Sir Donny today.

Disclaimer: Sir Donny is a duck, a mallard actually. He lives quite happily on a lake not far from me. While I lie on the bank in a drunken stupor he comes and whispers in my ear.

None of this is true but I somehow wish it was.

Has the world gone mad?

Sir Donny asked me if I read the reports written by the Independent and The Guardian news outlets?

I said no.

He went on to explain that they had discovered information that should probably scare the pants off us, if only he knew what they were. (his words).

He told me that there is a company in Germany that specialises in creating vaccines, not just vaccines other things too, but all to combat virus and disease.

He said that this particular company had an American CEO; Chief Executive Officer. The person that makes the decisions. And he asked me to remember that.

Then pecked me in the ear, apparently I had snored. I promised I had just been clearing my throat.

What he told me next woke me up!!!

According to the reports; the German company are working on a vaccine for corona virus, novel corona virus or covid 19, depending on what you read or listen to. He thinks the company are probably one of the best in the world; or that perhaps it could just be a coincidence. Then had one of his angry quacking/laughing fits.

After he had recovered he said the reports in both papers had stated that:

Donald Trump (and probably his administration, he said they always have to have a scapegoat) had offered 1 billion dollars for the cure, the vaccine. But, under the condition that, it was only for America. I re-iterate a duck told me this.

Sir Donny asked me if I still had pants on?

If this is true it is also very grave, he said. Then asked me to consider certain things. Why the face masks and the hand gel? And why does America want to control the vaccine?

Explaining about viruses he said they mutate but you can only ever get the same one once, your body finds the anti-body for it and locks it in. You can never get it again. It's always a different cold or flu virus. He also said to remember that.

Sir Donny said the reports suggested that a meeting had taken place between Donald Trump, Mike Pence and the then CEO of the German company, in the White House.

I was asked to think back a few weeks about statements being made by the POTUS himself (he had to quack/laugh, then he came back). It was statements about there being nothing to worry about and being sure a cure would be found soon.

Did I think it was a $1 Billion cure, he asked me?

He then asked me what sort of man I thought the orange comb over boy was? I shrugged and said I didn't understand what he meant. The POULTICE he said. I corrected him.

I asked him what the point of all of this was and he had an irate quacking fit. Like one I have never seen before. And then he told me this:

Remember the American CEO? He got the sack. I said you are not allowed to say that anymore. He fell on his back waving his legs in the air and quacking loudly, a sight to behold.

Once he had recovered and I had wiped his eyes he said: the German company in question had been taken over by the original founder; the person who had created the company and made it what it is today. He was now in charge.

They had released a statement Sir Donny said: Whatever we find is for the whole world.

He got quite grave then, again, and asked: Why would one human want to do this to another? Buy out the market and then control it when lives are at stake?

I said it's happened before. He asked me when? I said whoever is perceived as the most powerful is always the one in charge. He asked me is the public eye the perception? I had no answer.

Sir Donny suggested that perhaps something has been released that is now out of control. I reminded him that he is just a duck prone to laughing fits (or just quacking). But something has made the world stop, he said, and I am still a duck.

Then I had to pick him up and ask him if he needed Oxygen. Then he pecked me in the eye and told me to (I won't repeat what he said)

It still just is what it is. We have the choice too.

Tuesday 18 February 2020

More News

News just in!!!

The world according to Sir Donny.

Disclaimer: Sir Donny is a duck, a mallard actually. He lives quite happily on a lake not far from me. While I lie on the bank in a drunken stupor he comes and whispers in my ear.

None of this is true but I somehow wish it was.

Has the world gone mad?

According to Sir Donny it hasn't gone completely mad.

He asked me to write something about the lake that he lives on, a memory.

So, several years ago, in winter, back when my daughter was more innocent and not so obsessed with social media, we went to the park to feed the ducks.

We know now that feeding bread to the local wildfowl is a bad thing to do but back then it was normal and they didn't seem to mind.

I mean; I have never seen anything like it. As we walked through the gates towards the lake it was like a gathering. And I am not exaggerating.

Nearly every floating bird made a positive move towards us, led by two swans. It was awesome. Then they all got out of the lake.

I didn't realise Swans were so big, or so polite. Having stood between two of them I can honestly attest to both.

I am only five foot seven, so not the tallest of men, but I didn't feel intimidated, it was more like privelege. I was standing between two Swans, in front of a lot of Geese and Ducks with a bag of bread in my hand. And they were asking me, or so it seemed.

It didn't remain so polite with the ducks and geese when I started giving the bread out but the swans never moved. They just stood there one on each side of me and waited. And when I gave them bread they just took it and remained where they were while the clamour went on in front of them.

Standing almost eye to eye with two swans was incredible. And we did look at each other.

Perhaps it would have been better if my younger daughter had been as obsessed with social media as she seems to be now because I think this may have gone viral.

But it is what it is and so I write about it. One of my favourite memories. And something I will never forget.

Standing between two very large and very polite Mute Swans while the Canada Geese and Mallard Ducks fought over the bread. It really was awesome.

And Sir Donny asked me to write about it. Although he say's he wasn't part of it, it gets passed down. Apparently he believes it will be enlightening, bless him.

Tuesday 11 February 2020

News Just In

News just in!!!

The world according to Sir Donny.

Disclaimer: Sir Donny is a duck, a mallard actually. He lives quite happily on a lake not far from me. While I lie on the bank in a drunken stupor he comes and whispers in my ear.

None of this is true but I somehow so wish it was.

Has the world gone mad?

Sir Donny got quite agitated about this, or at least I think he did, he may have just been laughing.

Now one of them likes to wear make-up and the other likes to look like he he put his clothes on while being dragged through a hedge backwards.

Or is it just some surreall self reality that we are supposed to be part of and buy into?

Life is not a game show or part of a lesson at private school.


...not for most of us

A.K.A. The ones that count (and can say origins...although that may have been an ill thought out jibe at the press and, perhaps, the people who invented light bulbs)

So what is it about? A picture of reality?

There is a certain picture of the self proclaimed one and it isn't as pretty as he'd like.

There are always pictures of the other one.

When an older woman won't vote for him because he doesn't even know how to buy shirts that fit....(I still haven't stopped laughing about any of it).

More than one picture exists, however, it's the latest ones that seem to be creating the most trouble (though how an inanimate object can cause trouble is way beyond Sir Donny's level of understanding).

The offending picture in black and white, photoshopped, apparently.

The original:

Probably photoshopped too I suspect will be said.

According to the Twitter feed it was photoshopped!!!

However it also stated that "the hair looks good."

Sir Donny thinks it's a comb over with a lot of hairspray, (I couldn't comment).

Is there an illness for peeing yourself laughing? I should be hospitalised.

Onto the other clown, said Sir Donny.

These people are in charge by the way. (not the duck)

This picture looks similar Sir Donny said.

Somewhat more indifferent though, whatever that means.

Although he also wanted to know if they wear those big slappy shoes so he may not be such a reliable source.

He asked how safe I felt and then said he can't talk about certain countries because of migrating geese. I have no idea why he would say that, but I do know he thinks he has a point.

Then he told me top get up and go home and use photoshop.

So I did.

Sir Donny said he doesn't look happy...

He wanted to know where he lives...

When I asked why he wouldn't tell me. Something about locking up daughters and pecking eyes out; I think I may have heard, but I can't be sure.

He is, after all, a duck.

But he has a wicked sense of humour.